Your Retirement

Retirement Planning 

To maximise your income in retirement, we will look at how far off your retirement is. Whether you’ve just entered the workforce and are a long way off, you are close to retirement or you are already retired, our team can make a plan that works for your specific situation. 
Planning ahead now can ensure you have a comfortable, enjoyable future and retirement. 

Retirement Still More Than 10 Years Away

Retirement can seem irrelevant when you're in your 30s or 40s since it can seem like a long way off. With so many other things you can do with your money, such as travel, buy a house, raise a family or just have fun, it can be hard to set aside a significant amount of money for retirement. 

With the latest trends in the economy and current financial state, the Age Pension won't be nearly enough to fund the lifestyle we'd like when we're no longer working. The best thing you can do is to start saving now.
You May Wish To Consider

Some questions you may wish to consider before consulting with us include the following:
  • How much do I need to retire on?
  • What is the best way of funding my retirement?
  • Is my superannuation enough to fund my retirement?
  • What is salary sacrifice?
  • How much should I be contributing now for a comfortable retirement?
  • Why are women recommended to make higher extra super contributions than men?
  • My super is sitting in a few different funds. Is it worth moving it?
How We Can Help

Although you have a great deal of time to plan for retirement, our team will make sure you’re on the right track to save and invest in a smart way. Take a look at how we can help you below. 
  • Conduct a complete review of your financial situation.
  • Recommend strategies to meet your retirement lifestyle goals.
  • Work with you to develop a new budget and investment plan to achieve your short-term and long-term goals.
  • Review and recommend wealth protection plans.
  • Help you create or update your will.
Retiring Within The Next 5-10 Years

The combined effect of earlier retirement and living longer means that many Australians will spend more than a quarter of their lives in retirement. While this sounds like good news, it does emphasise the importance of planning carefully and well in advance of your retirement.

Many of our clients consider some of the following questions:
  • How much do I need to retire on?
  • When can I access my super?
  • What are my options when I retire?
  • Will I pay tax on my super if I take a lump sum?
  • Am I eligible for the Age Pension?
  • How do the Income and asset tests affect eligibility for the Age Pension?
  • What are the different types of income streams?
How we can help

Let our professional staff help you today. It is never too late to discuss your retirement plan. We can do the following:
  • Establish how much you need and work out when you can retire based on your plans.
  • Establish a plan to accumulate enough retirement savings within your time frame.
  • Review and recommend retirement income products so you can manage your money in retirement.
  • Make sure you can maximise any entitlements to social security benefits.
  • Make sure you are not underinsured.
  • Help you create or update your will.
Already Retired 

Have you reached your retirement age but you feel that you're not yet ready to give up work altogether? If you're eligible for the Age Pension, the government offers incentives for working people to defer their claim on it. On the other hand, if you've independently funded your retirement, you may benefit from keeping track of, or restructuring, your finances so you can maximise any government entitlement.

Some questions you may wish to consider include:
  • I've already retired. Isn't it just about living off what I’ve got now?
  • I have been retired for two years. Is it too late to change my financial arrangements?
  • What is the Pension Bonus Scheme?
  • What are the eligibility requirements for the Pension Bonus Scheme?
  • How much is the Pension Bonus Scheme and when is it paid?
  • Apart from social security benefits, are we eligible for anything else now we've retired?
  • Now we've retired should we move house?
How we can help

Trust our team to offer you complete assistance and support when it comes to your finances. We can help find ways to make the most of your retirement income. 
  • Monitor your investments and retirement income.
  • Provide regular updates about social security changes that might affect you.
Contact Us

Call today to schedule an appointment with our retirement planning team.
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